.... and Random Writings....

.... and Random Writings....

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Sickness and Rainy Days

It is true that our human body can be compared to a machine.  Our human body contains several types of interconnected tissues, organs and nerves that plays a significant role in keeping in good running condition or our health in tip top shape.  Machines are also made of several pieces that if the other individual part is missing, it can not fully operate and function.  However, in my opinion, human body is more precious than a machine since human beings are the one who created them.  On the other hand, exposing our body to harmful harsh elements such as a bad weather can sometimes affect our physical health.  Just like an overused and not well maintained machines it need to rest and a must calibration with a mechanic.  In terms of human body, there are varieties of doctors who can help us determine what is wrong with our malfunctioning.

Speaking of malfunctioning of a human body, there are varieties of factors that affect our health such as a rainy days.  Rainy season is one of the contributing factor for colds, headache and fever.  

Last Saturday night I joined a night run (Amazon Ignite Your Night) event here in Cebu and drizzles started even before the run which started at 10 pm.  When the race started, I experienced to feel wet not only with my own sweat but mixed with mild rain.  I finished the 10 kilometer race in 1 hour and 20 minutes and headed home immediately after it by riding a taxi.  When I got home, I did not dry my hair. I just stripped and threw my clothes to the laundry basket and wear a shirt and I plunged ahead to the bed to take a good night sleep. When I woke up early in the morning, I started to feel chilly and hardness of breath.  Clear liquid occasionally oozed out from my nose.  I just self medicate with the usual Neozep, Biogesic and Bioflu.  The 2nd day my throat started to feel itchy and I take Bactrim Forte as told by my mother to kill those cough causing bacterias.  I failed to report to work during these days since I felt so tired and I'm afraid to sneeze and contaminate the germs to the workplace. But despite that I still reported despite the cough after my consultation with a doctor.

On the 3rd day, I went to the Adventus clinic for a consultation and the doctor's finding was an upper respiratory tract infection.  Well, I was not only drenched by rain sprinkles during those night run but a few times before that especially when I get home from work.  In fact when I came out of the house headed to a consultation I was drenched by rain again and I just went back to the house to took a bath.  Damn weather can greatly affect this human body that we have.  It is annoying specially with the cough which a phlegm can be grossly specially when it is yellowish.  I have no choice but to deal with it and take the medications recommended by the doctor.  I just don't have to complain since rainy season is part of our life cycle.  Without rain we will be in drought and when it rains we can get sick.  So better take a cover the next time when rain comes pouring.  A lesson well learned for me to take care of my human body that is more superior to a man made machine.

Friday, July 11, 2014

A Free Fare for an Accidental Free Slap

A few months ago, I was accidentally slapped in the right side of my face by a lady pedestrian along San Carlos or P. del Rosarion St. in Cebu City Philippines.  It is normal here in Philippines that the mode of transportation is through a jeep ride if within the city route.  As I await the usual 17B or 17D route jeepney ride in going to the place of my work in Lahug IT Park, an unknown lady raised her left arm on an approaching jeepney without realizing that I was at her side.  That incident resulted to an accidental slap on my face.  I have an impulse to to slap her too after that one but I did not.  (I maybe not watchful too...)  
I said to the lady that next time she better watch out before extending her arms so not to cause the same  experience to another person.  She did not replied but I said to her in a plain Cebuano language.  That accidental slap was only a mild pain but who is a normal person in this earth wants a slap in the face considering we really value our face even though it is not as precious as any reigning queens or princesses.  Considering her hands are not that miniature, the slap still caused some burning sensations.  

As we rode the same jeepney going to IT Park, I was seated at the other opposite end.  I hated her for what she did.  Even though seated already in the jeepny I was still experiencing some hatred or whatever.  But hey, she did not mean it.  It was just only an accidental slap.

When the lady alighted the jeepney at JY Square she told the driver that her fare is for two.  I wondered why since she was alone.  She immediately told me that my fare was already paid by her.  I was astonished.  I was doubtful if I have to thank her or what.  The cause of the free fare was the accidental slap on my face.  That was not bad after all.  I just stared at her when she walked along JY Square with an open mouth gaping for what to say.  I may said some bad words or comment to her after the incident but somehow she was still nice in paying back with a free fare.  Whoever was that lady she was doing the right way.  I feel not bad about the accidental slap as I arrived at my destination route in IT Park.   

Thanks for the free fare lady!