.... and Random Writings....

.... and Random Writings....

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Mornings of Tranquility with My Orange Fishes

Hi there!

It's been a while that I was not able to write something in this blog section of mine.  Well, to update you a little of me, I am currently looking for a full time employment again since I resigned from my work last September 2014.  It was a good decision since I was able to relax and rest with the graveyard shift that I was assigned to work as a Virtual Assistant.  Right now, I am just staying at home with some very few projects that I was able to get as a freelancer.  Despite that I still feel lucky since with lots of free time I am able to spend some moments of tranquility especially during my morning routines at the house. An early morning meditation of mine nowadays is to enjoy the sight of my 7 orange colored fishes that sometimes can lead to a blank stare out of nowhere and beyond my little aquarium.  That makes my mornings complete before heading to the kitchen for my apple cider vinegar drink or a cup of coffee.

Just recently, I bought 7 pieces of orange colored fishes and planned to set it up in an old dusty aquarium.  Once I arrived at the house with these precious orange fishes, I immediately washed the unused aquarium to make it usable and habitable to my precious selected orange colored fishes (gold fish species but I am not sure).

After setting up my aquarium, I can see that the seven fishes were hesitant at first but after being able to adapt with their new environment, they started to swim endlessly as if looking for something to eat.  I feed them only a little fish food every morning since someone advised me that overfeeding can kill them.

It is very relaxing to stare and enjoy the beauty of swimming fishes in an aquarium.  On my part what I really love about staring into fishes in an aquarium are the following facts:
  • It reminds me to keep on living.  The endless swimming in any direction of the fishes in a passionate way of swishing back and forth with their tails reminds me that life is a survival. Fishes want to survive and even more so for human beings.  Life is a survival and we must deal with it.
  • It is an effective therapy not only for the eyes to see their wonderful scales shining in the sunlight but pondering over them is effective in reducing the levels of stress and anxiety.
  • Don't get tired of seeking.  I can see the 7 orange fishes swim in the aquarium as if forever looking for food despite already done feeding them.  I learned that life is full of opportunities and it is just right there waiting for us to grab it at the right time.

Here is a picture of my little aquarium with the characters of Bendable Jake and Bendable Finn from Adventure Time:

So why not set up your own aquarium at the house and see the wonders it will bring to your health, quality of life and tranquil moments.